August 5, 2021


Provide Excellent Services with Multi-Service App Like Gojek

The global fabric of business and services has changed a lot. The last few years have brought to light some unique services that we did not even know we needed until it hit the market. Every few years, a smart entrepreneur disrupts the flow of existing business practices with their ground breaking ideas and the Gojek Clone is just an acute example of one such service based business.

The level of competition in the market today has increased like never before. As all of us are building towards a more customer centric market place, where the user has all the information and the options at hand before he or she has to make a choice, it has become more critical than ever to provide services in the best possible way so that customers choose you rather than your competitors.

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If you have been wondering how you can better your service offerings to your customers and rake in all the profits then this is the right read for you. In today’s blog post, we will cover the following points:

>> What does the Gojek Clone Do?

>> What are the problems that the existing market is faced with?

>> How does the Gojek Clone app provide solutions to these problems?

>> Where can you get the right Gojek Clone app for your business?

So, now that we know what all we are about to cover in the blog post, let us get started without any further ado.

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App like gojek

What does the Gojek Clone do?

Think of the Gojek Clone as a market place where buyers and sellers can meet virtually to facilitate the purchase and sale of particular services. This means that your service providers, regardless of whether they are independent entrepreneurs or working within the framework of a company, can list out their expertise, their experience, their charges, the star ratings and review other clients have awarded them based on their previous experience so that the user can make an informed choice about who they wish to hire.

The universe of the service range of Gojek Clone is pretty vast. It offers over 70 different kinds of services. The user needs to download just one app and log in to it just once in order to access the service providers of all these different types of services.

Once inside the application, the user can select the particular service that they are interested in and be shown a list of all the registered service providers that offer the requested service in the area from where the request is generated.

The user will also be able to see all the details like star rating, charges, experience and expertise as mentioned above shown right next to the service provider, along with their availability. The app will also give the users the option of hiring service provider for immediate service or to schedule their services for a later time.

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After the service is delivered the app automatically facilitates digital payment using its in app wallet so the user and the service provider don’t have to bother with cash transactions. Post this, both, the user as well as the service provider, will be able to rate each other on the basis of their experience.

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What are the problems that the existing market is faced with?

As mentioned above, the market is slowly transitioning to a user centric market rather than a seller centric one. This naturally leads to a lot of competition, to ensure better quality of service for the customer; however, it also leads to many problems that make it extremely difficult for the customer to make a choice. Let us take a look at some of the most predominant problems.

>> Lack of Access

Even though there are so many service providers for every kind of service in the market, when it actually comes down to it, many users find it very difficult to find the right resource at the right time. Since hitting the streets is not an option, people are forced to rely on word of mouth of known people in order to find a single resource.

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>> Hidden Costs

Everyone likes hiring someone that would offer great service at low costs. And, considering that there is so much competition in the market, every service provider likes to quote a smaller value to begin with. However, when the resource is actually hired and the service actually rendered, there are so many hidden costs involved that it becomes almost impossible for the customer to cope with it.

The Gojek Clone app caters to all these problems effectively. Let us take a look at how.

>> Combat lack of access with digital reach

The Gojek Clone app is a simple to use on demand multi service based app that users can download on their smart phones. It is a single app that the users don’t have to fret over. Whenever the need arises, the users can click on the interested service and find a list of all the service providers. There is no need any more to go looking for anyone on the streets or relying on anyone’s word for the quality and the pricing.

>> Transparency of pricing

The app ensures that the service providers mention their rates on the app in their profiles. Whether it is a task based or job based price quoted or an hourly quote the user can see the charges levied before they actually hire the service provider. What’s more, since the app also facilities automated payments using the in app wallet, there is no scope for adding any additional hidden charges as the app will automatically calculate the price of the service rendered and generate an invoice.

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Where can you get the right Gojek Clone app for your business?

Since the Gojek Clone has become so popular over the last few years, hundreds of free lance app developers and mobile app development companies have started building their own on demand multi service apps and calling it the Gojek Clone app.

However, the only way for you to be certain that the app you are investing in is of value to your business is to make sure that you only purchase your application from a company of global repute. Make sure that the mobile app development company that you select offers white label services so that you can get your app with your logo and brand name along with any and all kinds of custom requirements such as integration of local language or currency.

Diving through the testimonials and client reviews of the company will also help you gauge whether the company is reliable and professional or not. On the whole, the Gojek Clone app is a large application that can help you offer better services to your customers. If you wish to enter this industry, this might be the right time to do so.


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