March 5, 2023


“7 Secrets to Crafting a Click-Worthy Blog Title That Ranks on Google Search”


Have you ever spent hours crafting an amazing blog post, only to find that nobody clicked on it? Crafting a click-worthy blog title is just as important as creating valuable content. Your blog title is the first thing readers see, and it can make or break your chances of getting clicks and ranking on Google search. In this blog post, we will explore 7 secrets to crafting an attention-grabbing blog title that ranks on Google search.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

A long and convoluted blog title can be quite daunting and can put off your potential readers. Instead, opt for a simple and easy-to-understand title that highlights the core message of your content. Google only displays the first 60 characters of a blog title on its search result page. Therefore, it is essential to keep your title concise and within that character limit.

2. Use Numbers

Using numbers in your blog title can make it more clickable. A numbered list promises specific and actionable tips or insights, which encourage people to click through. For example, “10 Secrets of Successful Blogging” or “5 Tips to Boost Your Instagram Engagement.”

3. Solve a Problem

Identify the problem your target audience faces and address it in your blog title. By presenting a solution to their problems, you are more likely to attract clicks and build your readership. For instance, “How to Write a Blog Post That People Want to Read” or “5 Strategies to Overcome Writer’s Block.”

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4. Add Power Words

Power words are emotional words that elicit a specific response from readers. Adding power words to your blog title can make it more compelling and increase your click-through rate. Some common power words include “proven,” “ultimate,” “quick,” “easy,” “surprising,” and “secret.”

5. Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and targeted, making it easier for Google to understand the topic of your content. Incorporating long-tail keywords in your blog title can improve your SEO and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results. For instance, rather than using “blogging tips,” use “blogging tips for beginners.”

6. Amp Up the Excitement

Your blog title should create excitement and anticipation in your readers. Use power words to craft a catchy and clickable headline that promises something new or exciting. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Thriving Online Business” or “Discover the Secret to Writing Magnetic Headlines.”

7. A/B Test Your Blog Titles

Not all blog titles are created equal, and what works for one blog post may not work for another. A/B testing your blog titles can help you determine the one that’s most effective at attracting clicks and generating engagement. Use tools like Google Analytics or Yoast SEO to track the performance of your blog titles.

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1. How many characters should my blog title be?

Your blog title should be within 60 characters to ensure the full title is displayed on Google’s search result page.

2. Should I use numbers in my blog title?

Yes, numbers tend to draw clicks and engagement by creating expectations for specific tips or insights.

3. Should I address the reader’s problem in my blog title?

Yes, headlines that address a common pain point or offers solutions to problems generate higher clicks and engagements.

4. What are some power words to use in my blog title?

Some common power words include “proven,” “ultimate,” “quick,” “easy,” “surprising,” and “secret.”

5. Do long-tail keywords matter?

Yes, long-tail keywords are more specific and targeted, making it easier for Google to understand the topic of your content, and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

6. How do I create excitement in my blog title?

Use power words and create a catchy headline that promises something new, insightful, or exciting.

7. Should I A/B test my blog titles?

Yes, testing different titles can help determine the most effective headline that attracts clicks and engagement.


Creating a click-worthy blog title is critical in getting your blog post read and ranked on Google search. Keep it simple, use numbers, solve readers’ problems, add power words, incorporate long-tail keywords, amp up the excitement, and A/B test your blog titles. Remember to create titles that resonate with your readers and add value to their lives. A well-crafted blog title is the first step in building an engaged readership and driving organic traffic to your website. Try these tips and watch your blog take flight!

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