January 20, 2023


“Unveiling Azurie Irving: Age, Net Worth, and Insights on Kyrie Irving’s Daughter in 2023”

Have you heard about Azurie Irving? She is the daughter of NBA superstar, Kyrie Irving, and her life has started to gain attention from fans and media. In this blog post, we will unveil everything you need to know about Azurie Irving, including her age, net worth, and insights on Kyrie Irving’s daughter in 2023.

Early Life and Background

Azurie Irving was born on November 23, 2015, to Kyrie Irving and his ex-girlfriend, Andrea Wilson. Azurie is Kyrie’s only child, and she has been the centre of his life ever since she was born. Her name originates from the French word Azur, which means blue, a color that symbolizes loyalty and stability.

Azurie’s Age and Net Worth

As of 2023, Azurie Irving is 7 years old. Being the daughter of a pro basketball player, she’s already living a privileged life. However, it’s difficult to estimate Azurie Irving’s net worth at this stage because she’s only a child.

Her father, Kyrie Irving, has an estimated net worth of $90 million, which places him among the wealthiest basketball players globally. As Kyrie’s daughter, Azurie can undoubtedly enjoy some of the benefits that come with her father’s wealth.

Azurie’s Relationship with Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is a very private person when it comes to his family. However, in interviews, Kyrie has always expressed that he is a proud father and treasures all the time spent with his daughter. Kyrie has also mentioned that being a father has changed his outlook on life and inspired him to be a better person on and off the court.

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Azurie and Her Social Media Presence

Although, we couldn’t find any social media accounts of Azurie Irving since she is still a minor. However, her father, Kyrie Irving, is a prominent social media user and often shares adorable pictures and videos of being a father.

Azurie’s Life Outside Her Father’s Basketball Career

Even though Azurie Irving is the daughter of a world-class athlete, her life is beyond just basketball. Azurie enjoys spending time with her family, travelling, singing and dancing. Azurie’s mother, Andrea Wilson, is a trained singer and has been passing down her love for music to her daughter.

Azurie’s Future

It’s unclear what the future holds for Azurie Irving, but as the daughter of an NBA superstar, it’s possible that she may have a future in the entertainment industry. However, at this stage, it’s essential to let Azurie have a normal childhood and explore her interests.

Kyrie Irving’s Relationship with Andrea Wilson

Kyrie Irving and Andrea Wilson had recently split but remain on friendly terms. They co-parent Azurie and appear to have a good relationship in that regard. Kyrie has always praised Andrea and mentioned how much he admires her for being such an incredible mother to Azurie.


Azurie Irving is a young girl with a promising future, who is already enjoying the perks of being the daughter of a world-class basketball player. While we don’t know what the future holds for her, we know that her father, Kyrie Irving, is a proud and loving dad who will guide her along the way.

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1. What is Azurie Irving’s age?
Azurie Irving is 7 years old as of 2023.

2. Is Azurie Irving active on social media?
No, Azurie Irving doesn’t have any official social media accounts.

3. What is Kyrie Irving’s estimated net worth?
Kyrie Irving’s estimated net worth as of 2023 is $90 million.

4. What is the meaning behind Azurie Irving’s name?
Azurie originates from the French word Azur, meaning blue, symbolizing loyalty and stability.

5. What is Azurie Irving’s relationship with her father, Kyrie Irving?
Kyrie Irving is a proud father who treasures time spent with his daughter, Azurie Irving. However, he is very private when it comes to his family life.


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