May 11, 2021


8 Speech Therapy Tips for Parents

A delay in a speech in your child may give you goosebumps, but you can cope with such an issue by learning some tips. It usually happens when your child does not respond to speech by 9 Months. Studies say that kids with autism spectrum disorder may experience speech delay issues.  If you are worried about your child’s speech delay, you need to see a speech therapist near you. but make sure that you also learn some ways to promote the speech practice at home.

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What Is Speech Therapy?

Speech-language pathologists help children or adults to improve communication skills. This practice focuses on improving fluency and communication that need to be done understandably. In this therapy, children learn how to understand a language.

Proven Ways for Home-Based Speech Therapy 


Parents also need to play their role to improve speech at home. Especially, kids need more attention during a pandemic because isolation can leave them behind. When my nephew had a speech delay issue, one of the best speech therapists in Rawalpindi shared how singing a song allows children to memorize new words and also develop their listening skills.

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Read Some Books

You need to evaluate your child’s interest and what kind of stories they love to listen to. Parents should not wait for the kids to grow up to read the books, but you can start at an early age by reading books loudly. This practice also helps your kids to learn vocabulary.

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Listen to Them 

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The very first fact is to be patient when your kid is dealing with this issue. You should give your child time when you ask something. Question them about something and tell them to think and answer. Never put pressure on your children to say things without thinking. Give them time and accept their imperfections by encouraging them.


Evaluate the Things Your Child Can Do

You should never put pressure on your children, whether it is academic records or speech disorders. No matter how imperfect your child comes up with, always encourage but don’t go by negative behavior. You need to notice the small steps of your children and tell them how much they are doing it properly.


Communicate, Communicate and Communicate 

No matter if your children are one day old or in the seventh week, you need to start communication with them. When your child coo, babble back and give a response. It makes the child speak, but it takes time for them to speak. Parents can follow this practice and improve the gestures from the early day teaching.


Blow Air through Straw 

Here, not only one technique you need to improve the speech, but you should practice different ways at home. Teach your kids how to drink liquids or blow air out of straws can help them to build strong muscular strength.

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Never Let Noises Distract You and Your Child 

When you and your child are busy sharing gestures and communicate with each other, make sure that you keep the background noise to a minimum. Studies have revealed that digital devices increase the percentage of children with speech delays. Your child does not need a half-hour break for speech therapy, but you should limit digital devices/mobile phone usage.

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Repetition Gives Fast Recovery 

Telling your kid once how to pronounce H is not enough, but you should focus more and more until your child can speak all by itself. Once your child becomes frequent in saying that work, you can teach different sounds with that Alphabet, like HA HA HA, Hi Hi Hi, etc. It helps them to make a better flow toward speaking complete words.



Researchers from Nusrat hospital say that children imitate their parents as they spend most of the time with them. Taking speech therapy once or twice a week cannot bring a powerful change as the consistent communication between parents and kids can do. You should not provide a digital device to your children, as it can put them at high risk of developing speech delay risk.


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